ParaSCIP is rather advanced open-source solver for discrete and global optimization problems. Thissolver is distinguished by that it can run on distributed memory systems and use up to 80,000 cores,solving open problems from the MIPLIB test libraries. Earlier, using this solver, we confirmed theconjecture on optimal packing of nine congruent circles on a square flat torus. The goal of the studywas to increase computing performance by utilizing resources of multiple clusters to solve hardoptimization problem. To do this, we use the previously developed DDBNB application, which allowsto speed up the solution of optimization problems by using coarse-grained parallelization based on astatic decomposition of feasible domain made before solving starts. DDBNB is an application for theEverest distributed computing platform which is responsible for running jobs on heterogeneouscomputing resources (servers, cloud instances, clusters, etc.). As a result, DDBNB, Everest, andParaSCIP had to be modified to make it possible to exchange incumbents (feasible solutions found bythe solver) between several ParaSCIP instances running on different supercomputers. The resultingsystem was benchmarked using three different instances of Traveling Salesman Problem. Thesupercomputers HPC5 of the NRC “Kurchatov Institute” and cHARISMa of the HSE University wereused as computing resources. As a result, for two problem instances, there is an effect, and thespeedup is especially noticeable for a more complex problem. However, for a simpler problem, theexchange of incumbents does not seem to affect the amount of speedup. For the third instance, there isno particular effect, at least no slowdown is observed.