“…Some papers have compared FFNN, Radial Basis Function NN (RBNN) and General Regression NN (GRNN) (Kişi, 2008a; Kişi and Cigizoglu, 2007), or Bayesian NN (FFNN calibrated using the routines provided in Nabney, 2002) with a standard FFNN and a conceptual rainfall-runoff model (Khan and Coulibaly, 2006). Others favoured dynamic models with simple feedback loops using a Partial-Recurrent Neural Network (PRNN: Besaw et al, 2010; Carcano et al, 2006, 2008; Chang et al, 2002, 2004; Chiang et al, 2004; Coulibaly et al, 2001a; Kumar et al, 2004; Pan and Wang, 2005). This refinement can have a profound impact since the model’s internal state depends not only on the current input signal, but also on its previous condition.…”