“…Work in the cognitive arena, for example, shows that saving rates are tremendously impacted by one's level of financial and investment knowledge (Croy, Gerrans, & Speelman, 2010a;Lusardi & Mitchell, 2011;Noone, O'Loughlin, & Kendig, 2012;Van Rooij, Lusardi, & Alessie, 2011) and the quality and clarity of one's retirement goals (Petkoska & Earl, 2009;Stawski, Hershey, & Jacobs-Lawson, 2007). Complementing this line of work, studies of personality reveal that certain traits (such as conscientiousness, future time perspective, locus of control, emotional stability, and having a proactive personality) are positively related to planning and saving (e.g., Griffin et al, 2012;Hershey, Jacobs-Lawson, McArdle, & Hamagami, 2007;Hershey & Mowen, 2000;Noone, Stephens, & Alpass, 2010;Noone et al, 2012;Petkoska & Earl, 2009;Webley & Nyhus, 2006). As part of this investigation, we will examine the extent to which cognitive and personality variables are linked to individuals' perceptions of saving relative to their peers.…”