“…It shows activity against several receptors such as bcr-abl, KIT, platelet-derived growth factor receptors a and b, Abelson murine leukemia, and Abelson-related gene [64]. Imatinib can only bind to the nucleotide-binding site within the juxtamembrane domain, when the DFG (ASP 810 , Phe 811 , Gly 812 ) (D: ASP, F: Phe, G: Gly) motif is present [68,69]. Imatinib can only bind to the nucleotide-binding site within the juxtamembrane domain, when the DFG (ASP 810 , Phe 811 , Gly 812 ) (D: ASP, F: Phe, G: Gly) motif is present [68,69].…”