“…Studies within the field of intra‐European migration have stressed that higher wages and job opportunities are not the sole drivers for South–North mobility after 2008, but Southern Europeans' broader life aspirations play a crucial role in their decision to emigrate (Pratsinakis, King, Himmelstine, & Mazzilli, 2019; Varriale, 2020). Particularly, researchers have stressed political dissatisfaction, searching for better quality of life, self‐fulfilment, career opportunities, pursuing an intergenerational middle‐class position, leading an independent adult life and ensuring stability for the future of their children as reasons for this migration (Bartolini, Gropas, & Triandafyllidou, 2017; Bonizzoni, 2018; Bygnes, 2017; Bygnes & Flipo, 2017; Lafleur, Stanek, & Veira, 2017, p. 6; Pratsinakis, 2019a; Pratsinakis et al, 2019; Triandafyllidou & Gropas, 2014; Varriale, 2020).…”