“…Although the surface of Europa is predominantly water ice, its UV spectra reveal important differences between it and the icy satellites in the Saturnian system. Notably, Saturn's moons, including Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, and Rhea, are brighter than any of the Galilean moons, indicating important differences in either the exogenic processing within the two systems, the overall composition of the satellites, or both (Hendrix et al, 2013). UV spectra of Iapetus (Hendrix & Hansen, 2008), Tethys (Royer & Hendrix, 2014), Mimas (Hendrix et al, 2012), Enceladus (Hendrix et al, 2010), and Dione and Rhea (Hendrix et al, 2018) all display a relatively sharp absorption edge at 165 nm; shortward of this wavelength, the reflectance is very low.…”