DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2022.128495
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Ultra-high-performance geopolymer concrete: A review

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Cited by 114 publications
(32 citation statements)
References 106 publications
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“…Iron ˑmine ˑtailings-geopolymer ˑcomposites ˑare ˑproduced ˑin ˑa ˑway ˑsimilar ˑto ˑcopper ˑmine ˑtailings-geopolymer ˑcomposites, ˑwith or without the ˑincorporation ˑof ˑalumina-silicate ˑsource ˑcomponents. ˑIn ˑone investigation, the compressive ˑstrength ˑof ˑan ˑiron ˑmine ˑtailingsgeopolymer ˑcomposite ˑactivated ˑby ˑsodium silicate was improved ˑwith ˑa ˑrise ˑin ˑcuring ˑtemperature ˑup ˑto ˑ80 ˑºC ˑand ˑa ˑrise ˑin ˑcuring ˑperiod ˑup ˑto ˑ7 ˑdays, ˑafter ˑwhich ˑthe ˑcompressive ˑstrength ˑdeclined [132][133][134].…”
Section: Mine Tailings As Precursors For Geopolymermentioning
confidence: 95%
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“…Iron ˑmine ˑtailings-geopolymer ˑcomposites ˑare ˑproduced ˑin ˑa ˑway ˑsimilar ˑto ˑcopper ˑmine ˑtailings-geopolymer ˑcomposites, ˑwith or without the ˑincorporation ˑof ˑalumina-silicate ˑsource ˑcomponents. ˑIn ˑone investigation, the compressive ˑstrength ˑof ˑan ˑiron ˑmine ˑtailingsgeopolymer ˑcomposite ˑactivated ˑby ˑsodium silicate was improved ˑwith ˑa ˑrise ˑin ˑcuring ˑtemperature ˑup ˑto ˑ80 ˑºC ˑand ˑa ˑrise ˑin ˑcuring ˑperiod ˑup ˑto ˑ7 ˑdays, ˑafter ˑwhich ˑthe ˑcompressive ˑstrength ˑdeclined [132][133][134].…”
Section: Mine Tailings As Precursors For Geopolymermentioning
confidence: 95%
“…ˑAccording to its findings, ˑthe ˑmaximum ˑcompressive ˑstrength ˑof ˑgold ˑmine ˑtailings-geopolymer ˑcomposites was discovered ˑat ˑa ˑpotassium ˑsilicate/potassium ˑhydroxide proportion ˑof ˑ1.1. ˑAccording ˑto ˑits ˑfindings, ˑraising ˑthe ˑcuring ˑtemperature ˑfrom ˑ65 ˑto ˑ100 ˑºC ˑenhanced ˑthe ˑcompressive ˑstrength ˑof ˑpotassium ˑaluminate ˑand ˑpotassium ˑhydroxide-activated ˑgold ˑmine tailings-geopolymer composites [122,133,134]. The researchers ˑalso ˑdiscovered ˑthat ˑthe ˑcompressive ˑstrength of geopolymer ˑactivated ˑby ˑpotassium ˑaluminate ˑand ˑpotassium hydroxide activators ˑis ˑgreater ˑthan ˑthat ˑof ˑgeopolymer ˑactivated ˑby ˑpotassium ˑsilicate ˑand ˑpotassium ˑhydroxide ˑactivators, ˑeven ˑwhen ˑthe ˑcuring ˑtemperature ˑis ˑraised ˑto up to 100 ºC.…”
Section: Mine Tailings As Precursors For Geopolymermentioning
confidence: 99%
“…ˑSince ˑthe ˑrisk ˑof ˑcorrosion ˑof ˑsteel ˑfiber ˑcan ˑbe ˑevidently ˑincreased ˑnear ˑthe ˑvoids at the fiber and matrix interface [93]. Besides the corrosion ˑrisks, ˑthe ˑporosity ˑcould ˑincrease the occurrence of ˑaggressive ˑionic ˑattack, and rapid ˑpenetration ˑto ˑthe ˑconcrete ˑsuch ˑas chloride and sulphate ˑ [78] [ [94][95][96].…”
Section: Homogeneity and Porositymentioning
confidence: 99%
“…ˑmight ˑlead ˑto ˑconcrete ˑdensification. ˑPreviously, ˑthe ˑeffects ˑof ˑvarious ˑadditional ˑmaterials ˑon ˑthe ˑmechanical ˑperformance, ˑpermeability, ˑand ˑchloride ˑdiffusion ˑof ˑa ˑcementitious material with and without fiber reinforcement ˑwere ˑinvestigated[89][90][91][94][95][96]. ˑOne ˑof ˑthese ˑextra materials could be ˑdescribed ˑas ˑhaving ˑpozzolanic ˑproperties.…”
confidence: 99%
“…ˑ using mine tailings as a geopolymer approach will ˑ not ˑ only ˑ slow ˑ down ˑ the ˑ accumulation ˑ of mine tailings and reduce the level of ecological ˑ contamination, [28][29][30][31][32], ˑ and ˑ another ˑ particular ˑ usage ˑ [13][14][15][16][17]. The mine tailings are inhomogeneous and have a complex ˑ mineral, ˑ aggregate, ˑ and ˑ chemical ˑ composition ˑ [11,[33][34][35][36][37][38][39]. ˑ Furthermore, ˑ although ˑ having ˑ relatively ˑ low ˑ quantities ˑ of ˑ valuable ˑ components, ˑ mine ˑ tailings ˑ contain ˑ hazardous ˑ and ˑ toxic ˑ compounds ˑ connected ˑ with ˑ waste ˑ products ˑ or ˑ mining ˑ activities ˑ [40][41][42][43][44].…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%