“…The chromatophores are more conspicuous in those species where the axial cell is exposed because of the incomplete cortical investment, but even so degeneration occurs with age. The presence of a central strand of cytoplasmic material in the axial cells of Ceramium has been discussed or figured by various authors (Moore, 1885;Petersen, 1908;Schiller, 1913;Phillips, 1926;Dammann, 1930Dammann, , 1932Celan, 1939a, b;Feldmann-Mazoyer, 1940;Feldmann & Feldmann, 1946;Funk, 1955). Phillips (1926, P.277) has rightly commented that Moore (1886) mis-interpreted the observations of Hick (1884) on C. acanthonotum ( = C.…”