“…One possible explanation for this phenomenon is that UV irradiation interferes with the ability of the skin to initiate immune responses and thereby decreases host resistance to the development of antigenic tumors. This is an attractive hypothesis because the murine melanomas, like human melanomas (4)(5)(6), are quite immunogenic (7), Also, UVR is known to reduce the number and alter the morphology and function of epidermal Langerhans cells (8,9) and to interfere with the afferent arm of the immune response to contact sensitizers (9)(10)(11)(12) and Herpes simplex virus (HSV) (13), Applying a contact sensitizer or HSV to UV-irradialed murine skin induces suppressor T lymphocytes instead of a normal contact or delayed-type hypersensitivity (CHS, DTH) response (10,14),…”