“…In this work, we have designed and synthesized two redoxactive CMPs (TAPA-OPE-mix and TAPA-OPE-gly) by integration of N1,N1-bis(4-aminophenyl)benzene-1,4-diamine (TAPA) and substituted oligo-(p-phenyleneethynylenes)( OPEs) (Scheme 1 and Scheme S3, Supporting Information), and these CMPs have shown impressive heterogeneous catalytic activity for electro-chemicalO 2 reduction and photochemical H 2 evolution reactions. Notably,T APAi sawell-studied electron donor,a lso known for the formation of long-lived charge-separated species, [61,62] whereas OPE is al arge p-chromophoric multi-phenyl system that exhibits high light-absorbing properties and can act as an electron acceptor.M oreover,a symmetric and symmetric side-chain substitutions on bola-amphiphilic OPE struts have resulted in irregular spherical and nanotape morphologies of TAPA-OPE-mix and TAPA-OPE-gly,r espectively.T he TAPA-OPE-gly is found to be more hydrophilic than TAPA-OPEmix owing to the presence of the di-glycol side chain, as provenb ys olventa dsorption, resulting in better electro-and photocatalytic activities. Furthermore, in situ stabilization of platinum nanoparticleso nb oth CMPs resulted in Pt@CMP nanocomposites showing significantly higher H 2 evolution compared with the pristine CMPs.…”