DOI: 10.7238/a.v0i1.676
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Transgenic Art

Abstract: Resum: Ja estem acostumats al paper de la tecnologia en la configuració d'uns valors estètics humans, tal com s'observa en la cirurgia plàstica o en el mitjà televisiu, però l'enginyeria genètica obre les portes al nou concepte d'art transgènic, que opera sota la nostra pell i presenta possibilitats insospitades. Però més que les creacions que ens oferirà l'art biològic mitjançant la implantació de gens artificials en el genoma d'una espècie determinada, el més important serà la relació entre l'artista, l'obra… Show more

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Cited by 10 publications
(12 citation statements)
References 1 publication
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“…Bioartists are themselves quite prolific also in the area of text production, as academics, writing about their own projects and their relationship to the methods used, society, and life itself (see for instance Catts et al 2000;Catts and Zurr 2002Davis 1996Davis , 2007De Menezes 2003Dumitriu 2013;Dumitriu & Farsides 2014;Dumitriu, Tenetz & Lawrence 2010;Gessert 1993Gessert , 1996Gessert , 2007Gessert , 2010Kac 2004aKac , 2004bKac , 2007Kac , 2013Vanouse 2007Vanouse , 2008Wilson 2002Wilson , 2010Youngs 2000;Zaretsky 2002Zaretsky , 2004Zaretsky , 2012Zurr 2008). Their exploration of the material aspects of emerging biotechnologies have been followed "step by step" by theorists from various fields.…”
Section: Literaturementioning
confidence: 99%
“…Bioartists are themselves quite prolific also in the area of text production, as academics, writing about their own projects and their relationship to the methods used, society, and life itself (see for instance Catts et al 2000;Catts and Zurr 2002Davis 1996Davis , 2007De Menezes 2003Dumitriu 2013;Dumitriu & Farsides 2014;Dumitriu, Tenetz & Lawrence 2010;Gessert 1993Gessert , 1996Gessert , 2007Gessert , 2010Kac 2004aKac , 2004bKac , 2007Kac , 2013Vanouse 2007Vanouse , 2008Wilson 2002Wilson , 2010Youngs 2000;Zaretsky 2002Zaretsky , 2004Zaretsky , 2012Zurr 2008). Their exploration of the material aspects of emerging biotechnologies have been followed "step by step" by theorists from various fields.…”
Section: Literaturementioning
confidence: 99%
“…Artist Eduardo Kac (1998) states that working with biomedia is an act of manipulating life and for Kac, every manipulation is a part of evolution. Drawing from his idea of evolution, my proposal for the future human is a human that has evolved within the carbon cycle and has gained the ability to photosynthesize.…”
Section: The Post-anthropocene Humanmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Two of the most prominent technologies operating beyond vision are digital implants and genetic engineering, both poised to have profound consequences in art as well as in the social, medical, political, and economic life of the next century. (Kac, 1998) Kac urges us here not only to direct our attention to particular technologies of invisibility but also, like Fox Keller, to understand better both the distinctions between and entanglement of 'information' and 'biological meaning'. Because it is marked at the same time by the visible and by radical invisibility, genomics remains 'firmly beyond our visual reach'.…”
Section: The Question Of Witnessmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…I suggest that artists can contribute to increase global biodiversity by inventing new life forms. (Kac, 1998) At length I wandered toward these mountains, and have ranged through their immense recesses, consumed by a burning passion which you alone can gratify. We may not part until you have promised to comply with my requisition.…”
confidence: 99%