“…In contrast, the presence of immature NK cells in 2C 2 leads to the development of de novo genitourinary tumors. Further investigations with larger numbers of patients are required to confirm these hypotheses; nonetheless, the findings that Marc-Olivier Bitker, 3 Alain Chapelier, 4 Jean-Paul Couetil, 2 Philippe Dartevelle, 5 Michel Delahousse, 4 Philippe Deleuze, 6 Bertrand Dousset, 7 Denis Glotz, 1 Laurent Hannoun, 3 Philippe Lang, 2 Francoise Le Pimpec Barthes, 8 Patrick Nataf, 9 Patrick Niaudet, 10 Jean-Jacques Patard, 11 Alain Pavie, 3 Eric Rondeau, 12 Didier Samuel, 13 Emmanuel Tiret, 14 Dominique Valla, 15 Coordinator for epidemiology: Caroline Besson 11 Coordinators for immunology: Patrice Debré, 16 Antoine Toubert, 1 and Vincent Vieillard 16 Coordinators for pharmacogenetics: Laurent Puig, 8 Laurent Thervet …”