“…Considerable progress has been made in incorporating vertical product differentiation into trade models; for example, see Amiti and Khandelwal (2013), Baldwin and Harrigan (2011), Crinò and Epifani (2012), Curzi et al (2015), Eum et al (2021), Gaigné and Larue (2016), and Kugler and Verhoogen (2012). As noted by Gaigné and Gouel (forthcoming 2022) the international economics literature typically assumes away information failure: consumers are unable to verify claimed environmental or other benefits of how a product was produced both before and after consumption, such claims being termed credence attributes of the product (Dulleck & Kerschbamer, 2006). Eco‐labeling in conjunction with a mechanism for certification of environmental/sustainability claims is regarded as key in resolving this type of information asymmetry (Roe & Sheldon, 2007; Sheldon, 2017; Sheldon & Roe, 2009).…”