“…According to a recent meta‐analysis, the long‐term success rate for retaining teeth affected by AgP seems similar compared to that of teeth affected by CP (Nibali, Farias, Vajgel, Tu, & Donos, ). However, compared to data on CP, there are only few long‐term data on tooth survival in AgP (Bäumer, El Sayed et al., ; Bäumer, Pretzl et al.,; Diaz‐Faes, Guerrero, Magan‐Fernandez, Bravo, & Mesa, ; Kratka et al., ; Mros & Berglundh, ; Waerhaug, ), mainly with follow‐up periods of 5 years or less or in mixed LAgP/GAgP populations (Nibali et al., ). Consequently, the question if teeth in AgP patients, especially in GAgP, can be retained until higher age or even lifelong remains unanswered.…”