“…A neural network has the advantages of being adaptable, fault-tolerant, and noise resistant [9], which has led to the successful application of neural networks in various fields, including image fusion. In 2021, Wang et al [10] proposed an image fusion algorithm combining NSCT and CNN to fuse the high-frequency and low-frequency image information, respectively; in the same year, Zhang et al [11] proposed a novel deep neural network to solve the fusion problem with a self-learning strategy for polarization image fusion; in 2022, Xu et al [12] proposed a novel unified and unsupervised end-to-end image fusion network, termed as U2Fusion; in the same year, Tang et al [13] incorporated image registration, image fusion, and semantic requirements of high-level vision tasks into a single framework and proposes a novel image registration and fusion method, named SuperFusion; Li et al [14] proposed a Transformer-based deep neural network to improve the performance of IR polarization image fusion; Ma et al [15] proposes a novel general image fusion framework based on cross-domain long-range learning and Swin Transformer, termed as SwinFusion; Xu et al [16] proposed a novel unsupervised polarization and intensity image fusion network via pixel information guidance and attention mechanism, named PAPIF.…”