“…The disadvantage of sectioning is the loss of integrity in the third dimension; therefore, 3D reconstruction from serial sections has been developed to restore initial relations in the object under study (Verbeek, 1995). In recent years, a number of software packages for 3D reconstruction at the microscopical level have become available (Huijsmans et al, 1986;Verbeek et al, 1990Verbeek et al, , 1991 and applied to anatomy (Gras, 1984;Mercer et al, 1987;Campbell et al, 1992), developmental biology Salisbury et al, 1993;Verbeek et al, 1995), neurosciences (Mercer et al, 1987;Rydmark et al, 1992), histopathology (Yaegashi & Takahashi, 1990;Dinges et al, 1992;Zanen et al, 1993) and tumour biology in the present study.…”