“…Various constructal designs have been derived for volume (area)‐to‐point problems with different constraints, boundary conditions, element shapes, and optimization objectives. [ 3–11 ] Many algorithms, eg, the solid isotropic with material penalization (SIMP) method, [ 12–18 ] rational approximation of material properties method, [ 19 ] evolutionary structural optimization method, [ 20,21 ] level‐set method, [ 22–24 ] cellular automaton algorithm, [ 25,26 ] deep learning approach, [ 27 ] genetic algorithm (GA), [ 28,29 ] simulated annealing (SA), [ 28,30 ] PSO, [ 31 ] bionic optimization, [ 30,32–41 ] and calculus of variations, [ 42,43 ] have been applied to the field of volume (area)‐to‐point heat conduction.…”