“…(1973) and many such studies have been published since. Many early analyses modelled just the crown and a small portion of the root (Farah et al ., 1976; Yettram et al ., 1976; Bell et al ., 1982; Takahashi, 1982; Peters & Poort, 1983; De Vree et al ., 1984; Kubo et al ., 1984; Morin et al ., 1988; Van Noort et al ., 1988) presumably because little was known about the physical properties of the supporting structures, such as the periodontal ligament. Other studies included at least half of the root (Farah et al ., 1973; Wright & Yettram, 1978; De Vree et al ., 1983; Hickman et al ., 1991;) while others included the periodontal ligament (Thresher & Saito, 1973; Selna et al ., 1975; Takahashi et al ., 1980) or the periodontal ligament and supporting bone (Kitoh et al ., 1977; Atmaran & Mohammed, 1981; Williams & Edmundson, 1984; Khera et al ., 1988, 1991; Goel et al ., 1990, 1992; Korioth & Hannam, 1994).…”