“…Combat Stress art therapy department in consultation with Kings College London has produced research that evidences the benefits of art therapy with veterans who have PTSD (Lobban, 2017). There are a number of published research papers studying military personnel who enrolled in art therapy programmes in the US and Russia supporting the hypothesis that art therapy improves the health and wellbeing of those who are currently serving or, have served in the military (Alexander, 2015;Campbell et al, 2016;Collie et al, 2006;Jones et al, 2017;Kopytin & Lebedev, 2015;Malchiodi, 2016;Salmon & Gerber, 1999;Walker et al, 2016Walker et al, , 2017. A study in Israel hypothesised that stressors for women in the IDF were not the same as their male counterparts (Harel-Shalev et al, 2017).…”