We inquire about the properties of 2d Navier-Stokes turbulence simultaneously forced at small and large scales. The background motivation comes by observational results on atmospheric turbulence. We show that the velocity field is amenable to the sum of two auxiliary velocity fields forced at large and small scale and exhibiting a direct-enstrophy and an inverse-energy cascade, respectively. Remarkably, the two auxiliary fields reconcile universal properties of fluxes with positive statistical correlation in the inertial range.PACS numbers: 47.27.ETurbulence represents a tantalizing nonequilibrium system characterized by cascade processes which, as typical in statistical physics, strongly depends on space dimensionality. In d= 3, kinetic energy, injected at large scales, goes toward smaller ones with positive and constant flux (≈ energy-injection rate ǫ), until is dissipated by molecular diffusion [1]. Between the injection and dissipative scales, the energy spectrum behaves as a powerlaw E(k) ≈ ǫ 2/3 k −5/3 . In d = 2, ideal (inviscid and unforced) fluids preserve both energy ≺ v 2 ≻/2 and square vorticity (enstrophy) ≺ ω 2 ≻ /2 (ω=∇×v). On this basis, Kraichnan [2] predicted that sustaining the flow at a single scale ℓ f (∼ k −1 f ), with energy (enstrophy) injection rate ǫ (η = ǫk 2 f ), generates a double cascade of enstrophy downscale (< ℓ f ) and of energy upscale (> ℓ f ). He also predicted two power laws for the energy spectrum: E(k) ≈ η 2/3 k −3 (but for log-corrections [3]) in the direct enstrophy cascade range; E(k) ≈ ǫ 2/3 k −5/3 for the inverse energy cascade. The direct cascade, with a positive enstrophy flux (≈ η), ends at the dissipative scale. Whilst, in an unbounded domain, the inverse cascade proceeds undisturbed, with a negative energy flux (≈−ǫ), unless large-scale friction stops it at a scale≫ ℓ f [4]. For a recent numerical study of the dual cascade see [5].In 3d-layers, as the atmosphere, both 3d and 2d-phenomenology can be relevant depending on the aspect ratio, the injection and observation scales [6][7][8]. Aircraft measurements [9, 10] of atmospheric-winds revealed that horizontal energy spectra at the troposphere end (at ≈ 10Km altitude) display two power-laws: E(k) ∝ k −5/3 at wave-numbers in the mesoscales (≈10−500Km); E(k) ∝ k −3 at synoptic scales (≈500 − 3, 000Km). Though, 2d phenomenology should dominate at scales larger than the troposphere thickness [11], measured spectra display the steeper and shallower power-laws in reverse order with respect to Kraichnan's scenario. To complicate the picture, the energy flux seems to be positive at 10−100Km [12], suggesting a 3d-like direct energy cascade, though the involved scales may be too large.In the 2d-framework, on which we focus here, several explanations for the observed spectra have been proposed. Interpreting the synoptic −3 spectrum as an enstrophy cascade, forced by instabilities of the horizontal motion at the planetary scale (∼10 4 Km) [11], the −5/3 mesoscales spectrum may result: from a 2d-inverse energy cascade forced b...