“…The almost existence theorem due to Hofer and Zehnder and to Struwe,[HZ1,HZ2,St], asserts that almost all regular level sets of a proper autonomous Hamiltonian on R 2n carry periodic orbits. A similar result has also been proved for CP n , symplectic vector bundles, subcritical Stein manifolds, and certain other symplectic manifolds; see, e.g., [FS,GG,HV,Ke2,Lu2,Sc] and also the survey [Gi3] and references therein. Here, similarly to [CGK,FS,Gi1,GG,GK1,GK2,Ke1,Ke2,Lu1,Mac,Pol2,Schl], we focus on these theorems for Hamiltonians supported in a neighborhood of a closed submanifold.…”