“…We mention obstetric disease {Weebers, 1893; Paffenbarger et al, 1966;Baker, 1967;Sievers and Grumbrecht, 1972;McNeil and Kay, 1973;Sameroff and Zax, 1973), vitamin deficiencies {de Smit and de Waart, 1962), hormonal changes {Karnosh and Hope, 1937;Billig and Bradley, 1946;Schmidt, 1943;Blumberg and Billig, 1942;Bower and Altschule, 1956;Tucker, 1962;Kane and Keeler, 1965;Swanson et al, 1974;Danowski et al, 1953 and many others), neurological disease (Posthumus Meyes and Sikkel, 1962;Gruñes, 1973;Hanson and Brown, 1973;Huhn and Drenk, 1973), infectious disease (Heidema, 1932;Harris, 1936;Bhattacharya and Uyas, 1969;Swift, 1972), abnormal loss of blood, over-tiredness, thrombosis, etc. The various authors suggested as many thera peutic measures as corresponded to their etiological concept or the com plicating disease {Ebie, 1972;Tucker, 1962;Ballache et al, 1958;Schmidt, 1943).…”