“…The phenothiazine drugs have been used extensively. Reports have appeared concerning promethazine chlorotheophyllinate (Avomine) (Ashworth, 1952), cyclizine (Marzine) (Moore et al, 1956;Tillman, Wise and Crawford, 1956;Bonica et al, 1958;Bellville, Bross and Howland, 1959), chlorpromazine (Albert and Coakley, 1954;Dripps et al, 1955;Knapp and Beecher, 1956;Burtles and Peckett, 1957), promethazine (Phenergan) (Burtles and Peckett, 1957), dimenhydrinate (Dramamine) (Campbell, 1949;Rubin and Metz-Rubin, 1951;Hume and Wilner, 1952;Moore et al, 1952Moore et al, , 1955Wolfe, 1952;Knapp and Beecher, 1956), diphenhydramine hydrochloride (Benadryl) (Warrington et al, 1953), prochlorperazine maleate (Stemetil; Compazine) (Boyd, 1957;Howat, 1960), and several others. Most of these reports refer to prophylaxis; in those relating to treatment, the indications for therapy are not always well defined, and success is often "more obvious to the statistician than to the patient" (Goodman and Gilman, 1955).…”