“…(3) distinct changes in hillslope drainage density and dissection; (4) asymmetric lakes or ponds on valley floors; and (5) abrupt changes in channel-reach morphology (van Westen et al, 2008). In order to estimate the volume of debris contained in the 492 landslides in our data set, we derive a scaling relationship between volume and area from published data on landslide volume and area for the Himalayan orogen, drawing on 114 published data (Ibetsberger, 1996;Walder and O'Connor, 1997;Hewitt, 1998;Shroder, 1998;Fort, 2000;Hodges et al, 2004;Weidinger, 2006a;Weidinger, 2006b;Mitchell et al, 2007;Hewitt et al, 2008;Dortch et al, 2009;Hewitt, 2009;Hewitt et al, 2011;Weidinger et al, 2014). We obtained a scaling relationship of the form V = bA s , where V is volume We acknowledge that our inventory covers only part of the potentially heavy-tailed distribution of hillslope mass wasting in the Himalaya-Karakoram Ranges (HKR).…”