Menzer DL, Rao NG, Bondy A, Truccolo W, Donoghue JP. Population interactions between parietal and primary motor cortices during reach. J Neurophysiol 112: 2959 -2984, 2014. First published September 10, 2014; doi:10.1152/jn.00851.2012.-Neural interactions between parietal area 2/5 and primary motor cortex (M1) were examined to determine the timing and behavioral correlates of corticocortical interactions. Neural activity in areas 2/5 and M1 was simultaneously recorded with 96-channel microelectrode arrays in three rhesus monkeys performing a center-out reach task. We introduce a new method to reveal parietal-motor interactions at a population level using partial spike-field coherence (PSFC) between ensembles of neurons in one area and a local field potential (LFP) in another. PSFC reflects the extent of phase locking between spike times and LFP, after removing the coherence between LFPs in the two areas. Spectral analysis of M1 LFP revealed three bands: low, medium, and high, differing in power between movement preparation and performance. We focus on PSFC in the 1-10 Hz band, in which coherence was strongest. PSFC was also present in the 10 -40 Hz band during movement preparation in many channels but generally nonsignificant in the 60 -200 Hz band. Ensemble PSFC revealed stronger interactions than single cell-LFP pairings. PSFC of area 2/5 ensembles with M1 LFP typically rose around movement onset and peaked ϳ500 ms afterward. PSFC was typically stronger for subsets of area 2/5 neurons and M1 LFPs with similar directional bias than for those with opposite bias, indicating that area 2/5 contributes movement direction information. Together with linear prediction of M1 LFP by area 2/5 spiking, the ensemble-LFP pairing approach reveals interactions missed by single neuron-LFP pairing, demonstrating that corticocortical communication can be more readily observed at the ensemble level.cortico-cortical interactions; population spike-field coherence; reach PLANNING AND PERFORMANCE of goal-directed arm reach requires the coordination of interconnected neuron populations across brain areas. Neurons in the arm area of primary motor cortex (M1) and more anterior parts of the posterior parietal cortex (area 2/5) are bidirectionally connected, and single-neuron studies show that they are engaged during reach planning and performance, with partially overlapping timing (Kalaska 1996). However, the temporal and spatial dynamics of parietalfrontal network communication during reach planning and performance are poorly understood. One difficulty in revealing computations that occur in area 2/5-M1 interactions with sin-