“…This speed was chosen since it has been found to show the earliest developing responses in infancy (Wattam-Bell, 1996) Like other VEPs, the latencies of DR responses is expected to depend on physiological factors such as myelination and axon properties (Buchner, Weyen, Frackowiak, Romaya, & Zeki,, 1994;Wood & Allison, 1981), intracortical connections (Bullier, Hup´e, James, & Girard, 1996), and feed-forward and feedback loops (Hup´e et al, 1998;Tovee, 1994). DR may also depend on head circumference (Zhao & Pan, 2008), specific stimuli conditions tested that includes different contrast, temporal frequencies (Tobimatsu, Kurita-Tashima, Nakayama-Hiromatsu, Akazawa, & Kato, 1993a;Simon, 1992), and spatial frequency (Tobimatsu, Tashima-Kurita, Hiromatsu-Nakayama, & Kato, 1993b). Attention of the participant could also affect VEP latency (Di Russo & Spinelli, 1999;Di Russo, Martinez, Sereno, Pitzalis, & Hillyard, 2002;Ling & Carrasco, 2006).…”