This review has been compiled to assess publications related to the clinical application of direct cerebral tissue oxygenation (pbtO2) monitoring published in international, peer-reviewed scientific journals, or major meeting reports published as journal supplements. Its goal was to extract relevant, i.e. positive and negative, information on indications, clinical application, safety issues and impact on clinical situations, as well as treatment strategies in neurosurgery, neurosurgical anaesthesiology, neurosurgical intensive care, neurology, and related specialties. For completeness' sake it also presents related basic science research and case reports. This review is an update of its previous edition published elsewhere in 2007. This review reflects publications from 2004 to 2012. Only relevant publications prior to 2004, which explicitly addressed or systematically examined the above issues, are included in this review and are listed in the reference section. Based on 349 citations it is the most comprehensive review available on direct cerebral oxygen monitoring to this date.Keywords: Review, cerebral oxygenation, raumedic, licox, neurotrend, cerebral partial pressure of oxygen, brain tissue oxygenation.
METHODSThis review is based on a systematic "Medline" literature search using the following search terms: licox, neurotrend, neurovent, raumedic, brain tissue oxygen, brain tissue oxygenation, cerebral oxygenation, cerebral tissue oxygen, cerebral partial pressure of oxygen, btO2, ptiO2, pti(O)2, ptiO(2), pbrO2, PBr(O2), P(bt)O(2), P(br)O(2), PbrO(2), BTpO2, tP(O2), PbO2, PbtO2, Pbto, PbtO(2).Only few publications were not retrieved using this technique. They were, however, identified through personal communication with scientists in the field, meeting proceedings and reviewer assignments. This strategy provided sufficient certainty that relevant papers have not been missed. Unpublished meeting abstracts and published conference proceedings were excluded for this review expect for few which provided comparative studies between different probes. To address relevant matters, related to specific pbtO2 issues, selected non-peer reviewed papers published in supplements were also used only when no other peer-reviewed information was available.
RESULTSThis review is based on a previous review [1]. It is currently based on 349 papers, 274 more papers compared to its previous version in 2007, which warrants the update.