“…Spatial cognition in rodents has been extensively studied in non-naturalistic environments such as linear or circular tracks, radial arm mazes, and T-mazes, or small open-field arenas such as squares or cylinders of approximately 1-2 m 2 area. Such experimental conditions have allowed individual place fields of hippocampal pyramidal neurons (O'Keefe and Dostrovsky, 1971) and the activity of other spatial cells (Knierim, 2006;Moser et al, 2008;Savelli et al, 2008;Poulter et al, 2018;Wang et al, 2018) to be exquisitely controlled and analyzed, leading to a detailed neural coding account of distributed representations that subserve spatial learning, memory, and planning in mammals (O'Keefe and Nadel, 1978;Moser and Paulsen, 2001;Knierim and Hamilton, 2011;Monaco and Abbott, 2011;Pfeiffer and Foster, 2013;Hartley et al, 2014;Burgess, 2014;Schiller et al, 2015;Foster, 2017), potentially extending to general cognitive computations in humans (Bellmund et al, 2018;Kunz et al, 2019). However, the multiplicity of Poisson-distributed hippocampal place fields exposed in larger environments (Fenton et al, 2008;Rich et al, 2014) and species differences in mapping 3-dimensional contexts (Yartsev and Ulanovsky, 2013;Casali et al, 2019) suggest large and/or complex environments as the next frontier in understanding spatial navigation.…”