SummaryForce may be a risk factor for musculoskeletal disorders of the upper extremity associated with typing and keying. However, the internal finger flexor tendon forces and their relationship to fingertip forces during rapid tapping on a keyswitch have not yet been measured in vivo. During the open carpal tunnel release surgery of five human subjects, a tendon-force transducer was inserted on the flexor digitorum super-ficialis of the long finger. During surgery, subjects tapped with the long finger on a computer keyswitch, instrumented with a keycap load cell. The average tendon maximum forces during a keystroke ranged from 8.3 to 16.6 N (mean = 12.9 N, SD = 3.3 N) for the subjects, four to seven times larger than the maximum forces observed at the fingertip. Tendon forces estimated from an isometric tendon-force model were only one to two times larger than tip force, significantly less than the observed tendon forces (p = 0.001). The force histories of the tendon during a keystroke were not proportional to fingertip force. First, the tendon-force histories did not contain the highfrequency fingertip force components observed as the tip impacts with the end of key travel. Instead, tendon tension during a keystroke continued to increase throughout the impact. Second, following the maximum keycap force, tendon tension during a keystroke decreased more slowly than fingertip force, remaining elevated approximately twice as long as the fingertip force. The prolonged elevation of tendon forces may be the result of residual eccentric muscle contraction or passive muscle forces, or both, which are additive to increasing extensor activity during the release phase of the keystroke.Although the rate of injury to the tendons at the wrist and adjacent tissues associated with repetitive work is reported to be high (55% of all work-related repetitive motion disorders [6]), the injury mechanisms are not well understood. Along with motion, posture, and vibration, the force exerted during a repetitive task is a risk factor for tendon-related disorders (4,19,23). Understanding how force is transmitted from the site of external application (fingertip) to the internal tissue (finger flexor tendons) is critical to understanding the mechanics of repetitive motion disorders. This understanding determines how the internal biological tissues support an externally applied force, and such knowledge identifies tendons that are exposed to higher forces. The knowledge of in vivo tendon tension also guides techniques of tendon repair, procedures for rehabilitation (15,22), and design of joint replacements (25). Rempel et al. (21) and Martin et al. (18) have measured exposure to force during keyboard work. The fingertip force history during a keystroke contains three distinct phases: (I) the keyswitch compression, (II) the high frequency component during finger impact at the end of keycap motion, and (III) the compression and release of the fingertip (21). Currently, applied fingertip loads and finger postures are used as the input or ind...