“…As the ice retreats, it leaves behind glacial geomorphic features on the seafloor; these submarine landforms have been mapped in glaciated environments in Antarctica Wellner et al, 2001Wellner et al, , 2006Evans et al, 2004;Heroy and Anderson, 2005;Larter et al, 2009;Livingstone et al, 2013;Hodgson et al, 2014), southern Chile (Dowdeswell and Vasquez, 2013), North America , and northern Europe (Ottesen et al, 2005;Dowdeswell, 2006, 2009;Dowdeswell et al, 2010), giving insight into the glacial history of each region. Several seafloor features have been mapped west of the AP on the continental slope and continental shelf Graham and Smith, 2012;Gales et al, 2013), the South Shetland Islands (Milliken et al, 2009;Simms et al, 2011), South Georgia Island Graham et al, 2017), Bransfield Strait (Canals et al, 2000(Canals et al, , 2002, Gerlache Strait , south of Anvers Island (Domack et al, 2006), and Marguerite Bay (Ó Cofaigh et al, 2002;Anderson and Fretwell, 2008;Livingstone et al, 2013). However, the seafloor geomorphology in western AP bays has not been described in detail, except for a few locations (Garcia et al, 2016;Munoz and Wellner, 2016;Wölfl et al, 2016).…”