tween species. Warm-season turfgrass is typically more wear tolerant than cool-season turf (Youngner, 1961; Traffic causes shoot injury to turfgrass, with resulting inhibition Beard, 1973). Cultural practices, such as increased mowof growth and reduction of quality. Turfgrasses in high traffic venues are generally selected for tolerance to traffic or for an ability to ing height (Beard, 1973; Youngner, 1961), moderate N quickly outgrow the injury. However, limited knowledge exists on fertilization levels (Kohlmeier and Eggens, 1983), and the mechanisms that impart wear tolerance to turfgrass, particularly a thatch layer (Beard, 1973) can also influence wear tolfor warm-season grasses. This field research was undertaken to assess erance. overall wear tolerance within and between seashore paspalum (Pas-While some research has looked at wear tolerance at palum vaginatum Swartz.) ecotypes and bermudagrass hybrids (Cynothe intra-specific level (Beard, 1973), the data are very don dactylon L. ϫ C. transvaalensis Burtt-Davy) and to determine limited as to the degree of severity in wear tolerance the mechanisms that contribute to wear tolerance for both species.within a species, and the specific mechanisms responsi-The research was conducted in two consecutive field trials during 1997 ble for enhanced wear tolerance. Anatomical, morphoon seven seashore paspalum ecotypes and three hybrid bermudagrass logical, or physiological plant characteristics correlating cultivars established on a native Appling (fine, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Kanhapludult) soil at the University of Georgia Experiment with wear tolerance across species may not be the same Station in Griffin, GA. Regression analysis determined that the most within a particular species. important potential mechanism related to enhanced wear tolerance Shearman and Beard (1975a) evaluated interspecies of seashore paspalum was reduced leaf total cell wall (TCW) content, wear tolerance with four measurements: visual ratings, which accounted for 51% of the variation. Other factors that enhanced percentage TCW content, percentage verdure, and perwear tolerance in this species were low leaf strength, low stem TCW, centage chlorophyll per unit area. They found that visual greater leaf moisture, greater shoot density, and higher K shoot tissue wear estimates were well correlated (r ϭ Ϫ0.98) with concentration. In bermudagrass, high stem moisture (40.9% of variaquantitative evaluations when evaluating wear tolertion) and reduced stem cellulose content (31.5% of variation) were ance between species. Canaway (1981) determined that associated with better wear tolerance. Other factors that enhanced percentage of ground cover remaining after wear was wear tolerance were greater stem and leaf moisture, shoot density, leaf lignin, stem and leaf lignocellulose, and concentration of K, Mn, negatively correlated with modified acid detergent fiber and Mg. Knowledge of these characteristics will assist in developing per unit area. screening protocols for selection of future wear toleran...