Most of C. oleifera forests have low yield and poor quality, largely associating with soil fertility. Soil physical and chemical properties interact with each other to affect soil fertility. C. oleifera growing under different soil conditions affected their yield and oil composition. Three main soil types were selected, and redundancy, correlation, and double-screening stepwise regression analysis were used, for exploring the relationships between Camellia oleifera nutrients uptake and soil physical and chemical properties, shedding light on the transport law of nutrient elements from root, leaves, and kernel, and elaborating the regulation of fruit yield and oil composition.
In the present study, available soil elements content of C. oleifera forest were mainly regulated by water content, pH value total N, P and Fe contents. Seven elements (N, P, K, Mg, Cu, Mn and C) were key for kernel’s growth and development, with N, P, K, Cu and Mn contents determining the yield traits. The transport characteristics of these nutrients from root, leaves to the kernel were synergistic and antagonistic effects. There were two ways to control the oil production and the content of various oil components: one was to adjust N, P, K, Mg, Zn, Fe and Cu contents of leaves by applying corresponding foliar fertilizers, while the other was to change the soil water content and pH, and apply N, P, Zn, Mg and Ca fertilizers.
Soil type controlled nutrient absorption by soil pH, water content and total N, P and Fe content. There were synergistic and antagonistic effects on the inter-organ transport of nutrient elements, ultimately affecting the contents of N, P, K, Cu and Mn in kernel, which determined the yield and oil composition of C. oleifera.