The recent, widespread success of mechanical circulatory support has ushered in a new era of cardiovascular medicine in which numerous implantable devices exist to treat advanced heart failure. As cardiac assist devices gain prevalence in the clinical management of cardiovascular disease, it is increasingly important to raise awareness of novel device systems, the unique mechanisms by which they function, and implications for patient management. In this article, we present state-of-the-art devices that are currently under development or in clinical trials. Devices are categorized as Standard Full-Support (HeartMate III, CorAide, Evaheart LVAS), Less-Invasive Full-Support (MVAD), Partial-Support (CircuLite Synergy Pocket Micro-Pump, Reitan Catheter Pump, Procyrion CAD, C-Pulse, Symphony Counterpulsation Device) Right Ventricular Assist Device (RVAD; DexAide, Impella RD Recover, Impella RP), and Total Artificial Heart (TAH; CardioWest, AbioCor II, Continuous-Flow TAH, Continuous-Flow BiVAD). Implantation strategy, mechanism of action, durability, efficacy, hemocompatibility, and human factors such as quality of life during device support are considered. The feasibility of novel strategies for unloading the failing heart is examined.