“…We assessed whether PRS-SCZ effects on cortical thickness relate to patterns of cortical thickness abnormalities observed in schizophrenia and other psychiatric illnesses. We made use of recent adult case-control meta-analyses and mega-analysis from the ENIGMA consortium in schizophrenia (van Erp et al ., 2018), bipolar disorder (Hibar et al ., 2018), major depressive disorder (Schmaal et al ., 2017), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (Hoogman et al ., 2019), obsessive compulsive disorder (Boedhoe et al ., 2017) and autism spectrum disorder (van Rooij et al ., 2018), which are available in our open access ENIGMA toolbox (Lariviere et al ., 2020). To this end, the PRS-SCZ related t-statistic map was parcellated into 64 Desikan-Killiany (DK) atlas regions (Desikan et al ., 2006), and correlated with the case-control Cohen’s d-map for each condition and statistically evaluated relative to 10,000 null models.…”