“…Further studies of survey data conclude that higher turnout may benefit left-wing parties significantly (Herron, 1998;Mackerras and McAllister, 1999), minimally (Citrin et al, 2003;Martinez and Gill, 2005;Bernhagen and Marsh, 2007;Pettersen and Rose, 2007), or not at all (Highton and Wolfinger, 2001;Rubenson et al, 2007). Finally, studies of small exogenous shocks to turnout suggest that the effects of turnout on election results and public policy can be large (Anzia, 2011(Anzia, , 2012Fowler, 2012;Hansford and Gomez, 2010) or small (Berry and Gersen, 2011;Knack and White, 1998;Sled, 2008;Stein, 1998;van der Eijk and van Egmond, 2007).…”