The present study aims to investigate the role of English movie subtitles in vocabulary learning by EFL learners at Soran University. Using English movies with subtitles help EFL learners acquire more vocabularies and idioms. The participants were thirty one English department students, they were randomly selected. The participants were males and females and all of them had been learning English since primary school in Iraqi Kurdistan Region schools. And, the study is an attempt to motivate students to subtitles in improving their vocabulary while learning English as a foreign language. The results show that watching English movies with subtitles facilitates vocabulary learning and motivate students in acquiring new vocabularies, phrases, idioms and slangs.
INTRODUCTIONWith increasing access to audio -visual aids especially TV, English foreign language learners have found more opportunities to use audio-visual materials as effective tools in the process of learning English language. Those kinds of authentic materials are helpful for EFL learners motivate to learn more vocabularies and understanding the language better. Since the early 1970s, video materials have made its way into the EFL classrooms, promoting authenticity and diversity for student learning language through the use of popular foreign films via digital media. To (Gray, 1939, P.1) "Vocabulary is an essential means of interchanging ideas and of acquiring new experiences. Man's growth in ideas has always been accompanied by a corresponding expansion of his vocabulary".Movies as audio-visual aid help students to improve their limited vocabulary, poor grammar and listening skill. Concerning vocabulary learning, subtitle movies play a crucial role in advancing the learners with new and up-to-date vocabularies and phrases. The combination sound and image remarkably motivate learners to achieve the learning process aims. Furthermore, watching subtitled movies improve EFL learners to learn those situations in which the new vocabularies are used. Also, acquiring other learning language goals like improving listening and speaking skills and well as improving pronunciation. Moreover, integrating subtitled movies inside the class or outside increase students' interest for the preferred language.However, subtitled movies might bring the learners to realistic situations. Movies scenes lead you to explain the ideas and concepts of the scenes and help you to think and expect what might happen next. Besides, the combination of audio, video, contextual information will effectively adopt the learners to the new environment of language learning.Watching subtitled movies can facilitate vocabulary building especially when it comes to English language learning. Most importantly, before having literature review, it is highly crucial to define subtitle. By subtitle, we mean the printed words at the bottom of the screen either in a foreign or same language showing those words and sentences by actors. (Zanon, 2006, P. 47) indicates that subtitles might be distinguished to t...