“…In comparison, the results of studies on the efficacy of keyword mnemonics in the long-term are inconsistent. Several studies have found keyword mnemonics was more efficacious than other techniques for the learning of foreign language vocabulary in the long-term (Campos et al., 2010; Rodríguez et al., 2014; Sagarra & Alba, 2006; Siriganjanavong, 2013; Soleimani et al., 2012; Tavakoli & Gerami, 2013; Zhang & Schumm, 2000). In contrast, other studies found no long-term advantages in keyword mnemonics over other learning techniques (Campos, Amor, et al., 2004a; Carney & Levin, 1998; Pressley et al., 1988), or even reported rote-learning outperformed keyword mnemonics in the long-term (Campos et al., 2003; Thomas & Wang, 1996; Wang et al., 1992, 1993).…”