DOI: 10.1139/y65-018
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The Effect of Age on the Elasticity of the Major Brain Arteries

Abstract: I n previous work 011 peripheral arteries the law of lL:iplac.e has i)eeii applicd to the pressure-volunle data to licld the el'tstic ro~istants and intcrrc8~ltion of function of elastin and collagenous fibers in the wall, and the changes with age. Siinilar an;ll>sis of major brain arteries has bee11 made on autopsy speci~~lens, ,~ged 2 to 90. Voluilze (micrometer syringe) aild pressure (clcctror~l,~no~mcttr) i l l arterial seglnet~ts were accurately measured. Absolute vol~lrnes were obt'lined hv rollapsing th… Show more

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Cited by 52 publications
(34 citation statements)
References 0 publications
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“…We still have no clear idea why we have failed to duplicate the results of Scott et al 8 The difference could be due to differences in age, differences in degree of atherosclerosis, Ordinary (-test before first pressure subjection in < 40 yr. group; N = number of arterial segments; x -the mean of the groups; <rx = standard deviation of the means; crx = standard error of the mean; p = probability; No significant difference. differences in arteries chosen, or a variety of other factors."…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 80%
“…We still have no clear idea why we have failed to duplicate the results of Scott et al 8 The difference could be due to differences in age, differences in degree of atherosclerosis, Ordinary (-test before first pressure subjection in < 40 yr. group; N = number of arterial segments; x -the mean of the groups; <rx = standard deviation of the means; crx = standard error of the mean; p = probability; No significant difference. differences in arteries chosen, or a variety of other factors."…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 80%
“…Tendon, when strained by small degrees along its load-bearing axis, shows a microscopical straightening of the low-amplitude wavy collagen fibres in accordance with the known me chanical behaviour relating resisting force to elongation [29,30], Applying these same concepts to the artery' wall distended by pressure, we would anticipate an increased coherence of alignment with pressure accompanied by a realignment of fibres along the circumferential direction. These expectations have an experimental basis from early research on the mechanics of human brain arteries [31]. From a theoretical perspective a segment of thin-walled artery, cannulated at one end and free to expand and elon gate, has a wall that is loaded in two tangential directions by the distending pressure, the average circumferential stress being twice the average longitudinal stress [32,33].…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…2 This problem may be increased in aged subjects as collagen forma tion increases and elasticity decreases in vascular tis- sue. [6][7][8][9] Lundgren et al 18 and Weiss 19 reported that low ering the blood pressure of hypertensive rats will partially or totally reverse the hindlimb vascular changes produced by the hypertension and improve the perfusion parameters of this tissue. Warshaw et al 20 reported that 23 weeks of antihypertensive drug ther apy lowered resistance vessel smooth muscle cell con tent in SHR in direct proportion to the reduction in blood pressure.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Initiation of hyalin incorporation and loss of vascular elasticity. [6][7][8][9] treatment was staggered so that an equal number of rats This is supported by reports that maintenance of CBF from each group completed the treatment regimen and and CMR02 during hypotension is complicted by ag could be tested each week. ing and hypertension.…”
confidence: 91%