“…We contribute further by investigating the interplay between the ownership market 1 See Dewees (1976) for Toronto, McDonald and Osuji (1995); McMillen and McDonald (2004); Diao, Leonard, and Sing (2017) for Chicago, Cervero and Duncan (2002) for San Jose, Lin and Hwang (2004) for Taipei, Hess and Almeida (2007) for Buffalo, sixteen cities among which Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Portland, and Washington DC by Kahn and Baum-Snow (2005), Zheng and Kahn (2013) for Beijing, Fesselmeyer and Liu (2018) for Singapore, and Zhou, Chen, Han, and Zhang (2020) for Shanghai. Also see the structural analysis of transit improvements in Heblich, Redding, and Sturm (2018) for historic London and Ahlfeldt, Redding, Sturm, and Wolf (2015) for post-reunification Berlin.…”