Objective: Demonstration of an influence of Helicobacter pylori in the dramatic spread of Diabetes mellitus (DM) among many patients during the last two decades.
Background:The flare up of a lot of medical challenges related to H. pylori through immune or different unknown reasons made the medical world believe that H. pylori eradication should be a necessary attempt. These H. pylorirelated medical problems are sufficient to render the matter that H. pylori can reside hidden somewhere in the body be taken seriously. The spread of DM is rising in a dramatic way as the fire spreading in hey especially in developing countries giving the term "diabetic epidemic" an actual credibility. H. pylori could migrate or get forced to migrate to the colon leading to accumulation of profuse toxic amounts of ammonia unopposed or buffered by any acidity leading to biological stress to the body that could predispose to stress diabetes among disadvantaged susceptible people.