Although biofeedback in the treatment of migraine and tension-type headache has been widely researched, there is little research examining biofeedback therapy in posttraumatic headache (PTH). In this retrospective study, 40 subjects with PTH who had received biofeedback-assisted relaxation at our headache clinic were questioned at least 3 months following the completion of therapy. Subjects were queried about improvements in headache, increases in ability to relax and cope with pain, and overall benefits, lasting effectiveness, and continued use of biofeedback in daily life. Results indicate 53% reported at least moderate improvement in headaches; 80% reported at least moderate improvement in ability to relax and cope with pain; 93% found biofeedback helpful to some degree; 85% felt headache relief achieved through biofeedback had continued at least somewhat; and 95% stated they were continuing to use biofeedback skills in daily life. A correlation analysis revealed a negative relationship between response to biofeedback and increased chronicity of the disorder. In other words, the more chronic the disorder, the poorer the response to treatment. A stepwise regression analysis found that chronicity of the disorder and number of treatment sessions significantly affected response to treatment. Data suggest that biofeedback-assisted relaxation should at least be considered when planning treatment strategies for posttraumatic headache.