gressive horizontal growth quickly develops undesirable excessive thatch-mat layering.
Excessive (Ͼ1.3 cm) thatch and mat layering of turfgrass is consid-Thatch, a tightly intermingled layer of living and dead ered undesirable because it reduces hydraulic conductivity, water infiltration, increases localized dry spots and pest problems, and reduces stems, leaves, and roots of grass, develops between the pesticide effectiveness and turf tolerance to temperature extremes.
green turfgrass vegetation and soil surface. It is formedThe objective of this 2-yr study was to determine the efficacy of primarily from periodically sloughed roots, intact fitopdressing alone and in combination with several mechanical and brous roots, horizontal stems (stolons and rhizomes), biological methods to control thatch-mat accumulation in a newly nodes, crown tissue, and vascular strands of stems and established 'L-93' creeping bentgrass [Agrostis stolonifera L. var palleaf sheaths (Engel, 1954;Roberts and Bredakis, 1960; ustris (Huds.) Farw.] sand-based golf green. Mechanical and biological Hurto et al., 1980). Thatch accumulation occurs when methods included vertical mowing at various depths and timings, core the production rate of organic matter exceeds the decultivation, grooming, a biological thatch control agent (Thatch-X), composition rate (Beard, 1973). Any climatic, edaphic, and combinations of core cultivation with grooming, core cultivation or biotic factor that stimulates excessive plant growth with vertical mowing, and core cultivation combined with grooming and vertical mowing. No treatment prevented thatch-mat accumula-Center; J.J. Camberato,