“…Several decades of intensive research activities regarding temporal databases studied various aspects of representing and querying temporal data in database management systems. The research work concentrated on various data models and query languages (Jensen et al, 1994;Jensen and Snodgrass, 2009;Böhlen et al, 2009;Dignös et al, 2012; as well as evaluation algorithms for selected operators, such as temporal aggregation (e.g., Kline and Snodgrass, 1995;Zhang et al, 2001;Moon et al, 2003;Yang and Widom, 2003;Böhlen et al, 2006b;Piatov and Helmer, 2017) and temporal joins (e.g., Zhang et al, 2002;Gao et al, 2005;Piatov et al, 2016;Bouros and Mamoulis, 2017;Cafagna and Böhlen, 2017); for an overview, see the work of Böhlen et al (2018). Fundamental concepts that emerged in this research are the distinction between different time dimensions, e.g., valid time, when a fact is true in the modeled reality, and transaction time, when a fact has been stored in the database.…”