DOI: 10.1080/17461390500422820
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System approach to games and competitive playing

Abstract: A deep understanding of sport competition is essential for games because the success of coaches and players in such events is dependent on many qualitative and latent factors, which are explainable by means of highly problematic and complicated procedures. The difficulty of setting out the ''winning-factors'' in games in orderly fashion has forced researchers to study a game as complex entitites, and in particular as dynamical systems (Bar-Yam, Y. (2000)

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Cited by 29 publications
(38 citation statements)
References 22 publications
(39 reference statements)
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“…The teams involved in a match behave similar to self-organized systems searching for order and shape in a macroscopic plan, according to the interactions produced by the players (18) . The individuality and degrees of freedom of team's performance are dependent on a number of players and their possible interactions in game (39) . Each team aims to disturb or to break the opponents' balance, with the intention to generate disorder in its organization.…”
Section: Tactical Modelling: Concepts and Ideasmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…The teams involved in a match behave similar to self-organized systems searching for order and shape in a macroscopic plan, according to the interactions produced by the players (18) . The individuality and degrees of freedom of team's performance are dependent on a number of players and their possible interactions in game (39) . Each team aims to disturb or to break the opponents' balance, with the intention to generate disorder in its organization.…”
Section: Tactical Modelling: Concepts and Ideasmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Garganta (14) put forward an approach to game observation based on a double level analysis plan: i) the creation of a theoretical map with relevant match performance indicators regarding tactical organization; ii) the observation of game sequences and exploitation of data coming from both qualitative and quantitative analysis of team's and player's organization. Such an intention is very challenging due the nature and diversity of the constraints that compete for the success in TS, namely: i) the complexity concerning the plentiful relationships among the players (24,64) : ii) the fact that game events do not correspond to a predictable sequence of actions (8,13) ; iii) the acute sensitivity of team and player's behaviours to the initial conditions, taking into account the large amount of variables and its interaction (14,39) . For instance, in sports disciplines such as Soccer, Basketball or Handball, the teams compete for possession of the ball, which must be passed through a goal, while in Volleyball, the teams pass the ball in an attempt to place it in contact with an area of the opponents playing field.…”
Section: Tactical Modelling: Concepts and Ideasmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Успешност решавања ситуација у тимским спортским играма зависи од функционалних односа (квалитета сарадње) између играча у оквиру изабраног модела тактике игре тимова, потенцијалног и стварног квалитета играча (Trninić, 1996; Dežman, 1999; Trninić, Perica, i Dizdar, 1999; Trninić, Dizdar, i Dežman, 2000). Ниво сарадње између играча појединог тима одређена је вероватно спортско-специфичним обележјима личности, квалитетом играња и тактиком противничког тима, те захтева интеракциони приступ (Dežman, 1988;Erčulj, 1998; Trninić, i Diz-мора да буде у стању да се "саморегулише", независно од повратних информација тренера (Dežman, 1999;McGarry et al, 2002;Lebed, 2006Lebed, , 2007McGarry, & Franks, 2007;Trninić, Papić, i Trninić, 2011). У складу с тим важно је истакнути да је адаптабилност модела тактике игре повезана са обележјима играча целог тима.…”
Section: уводunclassified
“…Структура и развој морфолошких и моторичких димензија омладине. Београд: Институт за научна истраживања Факултета за физичко васпитање.15 Lebed, F. (2006)…”
“…Of particular note is that of dynamic patterning, principally based upon the conceptual framework provided by previous authors such as Haken (1983) and, subsequently, the model posited by Haken et al (1985). This relates to the somewhat controversial supposition (see Lebed, 2006) that spatio-temporal patterns may characterise a sports contest as a self-organising dynamic system, within which the system's elements (players/athletes) demonstrate periods of co-operative interaction (McGarry et al 2002). The seminal work of is an event which serves to disrupt the reciprocal rhythm and subsequent stability of a system (i.e.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%