“…Regarding the first question, most efforts as been devoted to the study of symplectomorphism groups of rational 4-manifolds. Following the seminal work of M. Gromov [Gro85] who showed that the group of compactly supported symplectomorphisms of R 4 is contractible, the homotopical properties of the group of symplectomorphisms of CP 2 , S 2 ˆS2 and of the k-fold symplectic blow-ups CP 2 #kCP 2 , k ď 5, were studied in several papers such as [Abr98], [AGK09], [AM00], [Pin08b], [AG04], [AP13], [AE19], and [LLW22]. In particular, for CP 2 , S 2 ˆS2 , and CP 2 #kCP 2 , k ď 3, the rational homotopy type of SymppM, ωq can be described precisely in terms of the cohomology class rωs.…”