We present experimental evidence of emergent density wave instability in single crystalline low dimensional wires of Yittrium based Pyrochlore Iridates. We demonstrate electric field induced nonlinear hysteretic switching of the density wave at low temperature, followed by smooth nonlinear conduction at higher temperature (T > 40 K) in Y2−xBixIr2O7 with x = 0 and 0.3. AC transport measurements reveal the presence of four different collective relaxation processes which dominate at different temperature scales. There is a strong coupling of the normal charge carriers with the density wave condensate, which is reflected in the linear scaling of the dc conductivity with the collective relaxation rate across a wide range of frequency and temperature regime. The evidence of density wave in low dimensional single crystals of Pyrochlore Iridate could be a precursor to the possible experimental confirmation of the Weyl semimetallic ground state with broken chiral symmetry.