“…Most authors favour some sort of resection (Allison, 1951;Allison, Wooler, and Gunning, 1957; Barrett, 1952Barrett, , 1957Belsey, 1953;Ellis, 1956;Ellis, Andersen, and Clagett, 1956;Lindskog and Kline, 1957;MacLean and Wangensteen, 1956;Mustard, 1957;Sweet, Robbins, Gephart, and Wilkins, 1954;Tanner, 1955;Wooler, 1956), but few agree on what is to be removed or how best to reconstitute the alimentary canal afterwards. Many variations of resection of oesophagus, or stomach, or both, with all sorts of anastomoses which may or may not involve the jejunum or colon, have been advocated.…”