“…Existing scales, where available, were selected, keeping in mind that they adequately covered the domain, were internally consistent and were parsimonious (Churchill, 1979). The items were also classified as existing, modified, derived, and newly proposed, similar to the classification done by Ungan, 2002. The scale items for "SCM attributes" have been adapted from the studies of Rogers, 2003;Tornatzky and Klein, 1982;Ramamurthy, 1990;Breckon, 2009. The scale items for "top management factors" have been adapted from the studies of Hambrick and Mason, 1984;Ramamurthy, 1990;Min and Mentzer, 2004;Cohen and Roussel, 2005;Min et al, 2007;Kotzab et al, 2011. The scale items for "organizational factors" have been adapted from the studies of Narver and Slater 1990; Ungan, 2002;Denison and Fey, 2003;Dehning et al, 2004;Braunscheidel, 2005;Cohen and Roussel, 2005;Netland et al, 2007;Dobni, 2008;Flatten et al, 2011;Prem, 2011. The scale items for "business environment factors" have been adapted from the studies of Ramamurthy, 1990;Teo et al, 2003;Udbye, 2014. Table 2 provides a summary of the source references of the survey for scale items used in this study.…”