“…Other research on RBSA has investigated its predictive ability (Kahn and Rudd, 1995) and classification (diBartolomeo and Witkowski, 1997); variations on the technique: time-varying exposure (Swinkels and Van Der Sluis, 2006), multicolinearity (Agudo and Gimeno, 2005), and generalized classifying ability (Agarwal and Naik, 2000), as well as the technique's performance in various countries: Spain (Matallin Sáez and Fernández Izquierdo, 2000) and Europe (Papadamou and Siriopoulos, 2004); and across asset classes: real estate (Marcato, 2004) and (Lee, 1999), currencies (Middleton, 2005), hedge funds (Dor et al, 2006), and fixed interest (Dopfel, 2004). These researchers found RBSA continues to be a robust technique, subject to the usual caveats about its assumptions and application.…”