Sleep is a form of rest and getting enough sleep at the right times with suitable surrounding conditions is very important to maintain good health throughout life. The study aims to develop the end-user prototyping for a sleep monitoring system that measures the room ambient and body condition by using a wireless device utilizing Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) embedded system. For the user interface, the Window application is used to display the collected data from separate ambient parameters and body condition embedded systems using Bluno Uno and Bluno Nano respectively. This sleep monitoring system also equipt with a video and audio based recording from the web camera and microphone of the built-in PC based unit. Capturing data from body monitoring and ambient monitoring separate units are then transferred to the Window based application by using the BLE connection and lastly, the captured data are log into the MySQL database with the date and time stamp. The ambient condition system captured the room temperature and humidity, light intensity and rate of CO2 concentration. The body condition system, it is measuring body temperature, heart rate and body movement. Based on the device testing on sleep monitoring, each of the parameters measured is optimized to choose the best possible occurrence of ambience setting selection for optimal sleep quality.